Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to Kill Ants in House - Home Remedy for Ants

Stop ants

To rid your home of invasive ants, play the green card preferring practical tips and tricks that have been proven to insecticides.
They are relatively simple to apply and you will make substantial savings.
Of basic safety precautions must be observed if we are to avoid the ants enter the house.
Make sure the jars and boxes containing sweets are closed.
Make sure the dishes were cleaned in the kitchen and there is no food lying around.
If necessary, see if garbage were removed.
To protect your home, you can use the moldy lemon, cut into small pieces that will be placed on the path usually taken by the ants.
Basil leaves deposited at strategic locations on this route will prove to be equally effective.
Some prefer to use the coffee powder.
If the nest is located, pour table salt or place alongside swabs bleach.
You can also check for yourself sealing a single line drawn with chalk which prevents ants from crossing.
Of mint, lavender, fennel or thoughts planted around the house used to achieve the same result while being much more decorative.
Picnic in the garden is unpleasant if there is a nest in the vicinity. Use of alcohol at 90 ° with a little talcum powder to protect the flower pots and add vinegar or lemon in water sprinkler to deter ants from coming on the lawn.
The operation is repeated as often as necessary to maintain the effect.
In a much more radical register, you can coat the entrance of the hive to close completely to prevent any entry and exit.
This will disorient and condemn the ants find out.
For fruit trees such as apricot, cherry and peach, will surround the trunk with glue take care to put two strips to discourage ants.